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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to train a dog?
This is very difficult to predict, as it depends on the behaviors that need correcting and also on you, the owner. The key to effective training is consistency, not to mention patience. Training a dog is as much about the owner as it is about the dog. Usually a dog will respond to training immediately but they will easily revert back to old behaviors if the corrections are not enforced at home.
Do dogs get bored?
Boredom for us often means we want something and can't have it right now. Dogs live in the moment and do not seem to have wishful thinking as we do. It seems likely that we confuse their relaxed state with boredom or even sadness.
Do dogs feel lonely when they are left alone?
No, but they often become anxious if they are not left in a calm state of mind.
Why does my dog jump on me?
Chances are your dog doesn't respect you. Also, he is used to behaving this way out of a habit that nobody has ever said "no" to. 
Why doesn't my dog stop jumping on me when I push him off?
A push or shove will make them think you are playing. If you touch or push them with  a finger or two fingers instead of your hand, you have a chance to surprise them and it is more likely that they will stop jumping.
Does my dog understand me when I speak to him/her?
They can understand commands but they must be short and specific.
Why does my dog poop and pee in the house?
This is a way to claim their territory and take over the house as if it is their own. It is advised that if you are moving to a new house, you should work with a trainer in order to address any possessive behaviors before they start and establish that the house is yours not theirs.
How do men and women differ as owners?
Typically women are softer and more emotionally attached to their dog(s). Both genders can sometimes "baby" their pets and apply human traits and emotions to them, yet there is a way that the mothering instinct and conditioning passed down in the female line can sometimes take over for women. In contrast, men tend to be less sentimental and more objective based on their own conditioning. Both approaches to dog ownership can lead to different forms of abuse if they are out of balance and the dog's needs and point of view is not considered.
How do I know if my dog is playing or fighting/being mean?
Sometimes this is obvious and sometimes subtle. Dominant behavior during 'play' should be addressed. If you want to see if your dog is being friendly or is gearing up for a fight, be cautious (but not nervous) and observe their body language. Learning how to read a dog's body language, especially your own, is key to preventing any problems.
Why won't my dog listen to me?
If they are used to a certain way of being with you, they will test your conviction. Also, be sure to check your energy - are you feeling calm? Dogs tend to respond best to calm-assertive energy that tells them you're the boss and that they can trust and respect you.
Should I allow my dog to sniff and/or 'mark' when we are on a walk?
No. Though it is an instinctual action on their part, it is also about powerplay and obsessive, over-stimulating behavior. Ideally you want the walk to belong to you. In other words, it is on your time and not theirs. Dogs have no agenda but we typically do and it is important that we are the pack leaders, setting healthy boundaries and rules. Fido will still take the opportunity to do his business, but without you losing control over him or him deciding to dominate the walk.  
Important note about puppies: Due to their developing immune systems, it is critical that you keep your puppy away from the feces of other animals. It is always possible that there is a virus in there waiting for its next host. 
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